Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Big, bad FOCCUS!

So, for those of you that don't know, I'm Catholic and it has always been a dream of mine to get married in the Catholic church. This, however, is not a quick and simple process. In order for the church to agree to marry us, we have to go through something called Pre-Cana. Pre-Cana consists of going through what I would call couples counseling with the priest, a family planning meeting, a conflict management seminar, and something the church is calling 'Engaged Encounter Weekend' (thank goodness I have such a patient and loving fiance!). However, before the church confirms our date and we can do any of that, we have to take a test; the FOCCUS test (Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding & Study). I have heard from other couples that it is actually kind of fun, although I typically wouldn't use the word "fun" to describe a 190-question test! The test deals with everything from family issues to drinking and gambling to careers. They take the results and incorporate them into our counseling sessions so that we can talk through any areas in which we might have differing opinions. I guess it actually sounds kinda cool. Nathan and I have never really talked about some of the issues, so it might be interesting to see his views on something like gambling. Anyway, the big test date is tomorrow night (October 9th). Everyone wish us luck! We'll post again once we find out our results!

Side Note: We are not officially divulging the name of the church we would like to get married in until they have confirmed our date, so as not to jinx it (I know everyone is sooo crushed)! But, that is a picture of the church above. For those that know which church that is, you're a step ahead of everyone else!


Adrianne said...

Hope you guys scored well!! I think it is great that you guys are doing all of this. The more you know each other the better!!

Nathan and Katie said...

It was a really great experience! We've been talking about stuff ever since! There are so many things that you never really think about!