Monday, November 3, 2008

It's Official

We didn't have a lot of time to get it done, but after a change of heart on the location and camping out in front of the registration office for 3 hours, we can now make it official! Nathan and I will be getting married on February 13, 2010 at Perkins Chapel at SMU!!! We are so excited to finally be able to make the date and the church official!! Perkins Chapel is absolutely beautiful and we believe it fits us really well! The people at SMU have been fantastic and it was well worth getting up early and camping out by their office all morning! Now if this seems weird, please understand that Perkins Chapel is very popular among the Dallas folk. Nathan and I heard stories of people waiting outside the office for 6 hours on the day they started taking reservations for their wedding month and still not getting their date! Lucky for us we're having a winter wedding, so 3 hours was all it took. Of course, not a single other person showed up to wait in line during those 3 hours, but I still think it was well worth it in order to secure this beautiful church! We are so blessed to have such loving family and friends and we can't wait for you all to share this wonderful day with us! Let the countdown begin! Only 467 days until we're married :)

1 comment:

K said...

That church is so pretty. I am glad you got the date you wanted.