Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Keepin' It Real

My friend Katie tagged us for a "Keepin' It Real" blog post. The point is that everyone makes their lives look perfect in the blogging world, so this is an opportunity to show how life really looks on a day to day basis. In order to participate, you take pictures of the following 10 things:

1. Fridge
2. Closet
3. Kitchen Sink
4. Toilet
5. Favorite Shoes
6. Favorite Room
7. What my kids are doing right now
8. Laundry
9. Self-Portrait
10. Dream Vacation

Now, my mother taught me to clean up for company, even if that company is visiting via the blogging world, so this may not be exact reality, but it's pretty close. Here ya go!


These pictures were taken right before we left to house sit for my parents while they're in Maui for 6 weeks, so there isn't much in there! Pretty much just all the basics!
(Note: Please excuse the poor picture quality. My nice camera had already been moved).


My closet is a nightmare! I'm pretty sure that there is no closet that can fit all of my stuff! This isn't even all of it. My summer clothes are in a separate closet during the winter and a lot of my shoes are stored in bins.

Kitchen Sink:

Pretty boring.


Again, pretty boring.

Favorite Shoes:

These are my favorites for the moment. Probably because I just bought them this weekend!

Favorite Room:

I love the bedroom. It is so peaceful and relaxing to be in there and it's beautiful thanks to the new furniture my parents bought me for my last birthday! (Katy, they bought the bed and dresser in the Weir's clearance center for cheap!)

What My Kids Are Doing:

No kids, but we do have a Bella. She pretty much plays and that's about it!


Thankfully, I just did laundry because when it gets stacked up, it's not pretty!


Had to get Nathan in it!

Dream Vacation:

I think it would be Fiji. I can't really think of anything more relaxing than laying on the bed in your hotel room that is suspended on stilts in the middle of the ocean! Maybe we'll make it there one day! We do have a honeymoon to plan...


Katie said...

yeah! i'm so glad you did it! i think fiji sounds pretty good. . . nate.

K said...

Thanks so much for the suggestion. I will definitly check them out. We have to get Bradley new furniture because his furniture goes with the crib and I am pretty OCD and like to keep everything together.

Andrea said...

you have stairs for bella to get on the bed too (I assume thats what they're for cause thats what ours are for)?? the things we do to spoil these pups :)

Sharee said...

Hey Katie! I found your blog through Ann and Peter's - just thought I would say hi and if you ever go to Fiji, Brandon and I would like to come! He has wanted to go there for the last 6 years!